Kerakli masalliqlar:
- 2 stakan to'g'ralgan karam
- 1 dona pomidor(to'g'ralgan)
- 1 dona sabzi (mayda to'g'ralgan)
- 1/2 choy qoshiq tuz
- 1/2 bo'lak sarimsoq
- murch
- ko'katlar
- zaytun yog'i 2 osh qoshiq
- 1 cup of shredded cabbage
- 1 tomato (sliced)
- 1 carrot (shredded)
- 1/2 t.spoon of salt
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- pinch of black pepper
- pinch of dill
- 2 tb.spoon olive oil
To'g'ralgan karamni tuz bilan g'imjib...
Put some salt on the cabbage and mix by the hand...
mayda to'g'ralgan sarimsoq, ko'kat, sabzi, pomidor va zaytun yogini qo'shib yengil aralashtiramiz.
add the rest of ingredients (tomato, dill, carrot, finely chopped garlic and olive oil ) and mix.
Ready to serve
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